Drewling Samantics
Drew and Sam are actors. They haven’t won any Academy Awards yet, and neither of them is in line to be the new James Bond (sorry Sam), but between them they do have over half a century’s worth of experience in the industry. Many months ago a combination of boredom, significantly reduced work opportunities (thanks pandemic!) and overactive and under-stimulated imaginations inspired them to create a podcast, and somehow they’re still at it. Join the Drewling Samantics chaps every Sunday (or download and listen later) as they give an entertaining insight into how their industry works - from modelling to voiceover, theatre to film, and television to streamed media, the gents talk about all areas of performance artistry, giving an insider view that is sometimes humorous, often eye-opening or poignant, and at times just downright strange! With regular guest appearances and the odd special ‘on location’ segment, Drewling Samantics brings something unique and fresh to the world of podcasts from two normal blokes, working in a rather abnormal industry.
Drewling Samantics
S11E12 - Falling into Place
Falling into Place
Season Eleven of Drewling Samantics is almost over - where has the time gone?! Indeed, today’s episode is the last time in the season that the chaps are visited by a guest, and it’s safe to say they are ending with a bang!
Pete Løvstrøm has had a fascinating career, and that is putting it lightly. Starting out he chanced his arm and landed on his feet, which you could say came as a bit of shock to him! He had the good fortune, and the talent of course, to share stage and screen with some up and coming actors, directors and producers of the time - a much appreciated side effect for a young man starting out during a period when theatre was getting a rather substantial kick up the backside from the emerging talent that would go on to be theatre and TV heavyweights.
Pete talks with energy, passion and great knowledge, and a joy for the work he made his specialty. Taking inspiration from his hero Buster Keaton, learning from and emulating him where he could, he carved a particular niche for himself that has won him large amounts of work and plenty of justified admiration. The art forms of “pratfalls” and slapstick comedy have enormous history and respect, and Pete is no stranger to either -, in fact they exactly what he loves most!
So tune in now for an episode full of pure theatre, and witness Pete sweep Drew and Sam off their feet (theoretically speaking!) It’s the perfect reminder of just what Drewling Samantics is all about!
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Vlad Gluschenko - Sunny Winter Day
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