Drewling Samantics
Drew and Sam are actors. They haven’t won any Academy Awards yet, and neither of them is in line to be the new James Bond (sorry Sam), but between them they do have over half a century’s worth of experience in the industry. Many months ago a combination of boredom, significantly reduced work opportunities (thanks pandemic!) and overactive and under-stimulated imaginations inspired them to create a podcast, and somehow they’re still at it. Join the Drewling Samantics chaps every Sunday (or download and listen later) as they give an entertaining insight into how their industry works - from modelling to voiceover, theatre to film, and television to streamed media, the gents talk about all areas of performance artistry, giving an insider view that is sometimes humorous, often eye-opening or poignant, and at times just downright strange! With regular guest appearances and the odd special ‘on location’ segment, Drewling Samantics brings something unique and fresh to the world of podcasts from two normal blokes, working in a rather abnormal industry.
Drewling Samantics
S11E11 - Labour of Love?
Labour of Love?
Well, it has been a very busy time lately hasn’t it! A general election in the UK, football’s European Championships and the Copa America, Wimbledon, and an election in France to name but a few big recent events. Drew and Sam have been very busy performing and rehearsing too, and even PicNick is busy (well he’s on holiday, but he works extremely hard so he’s earned it!) But the Drewling Samantics team are never so busy that they can’t take some time out and release another podcast episode for loyal fans, followers and listeners.
With such a lot for the chaps to talk about, it’s straight down to business, news and a catch up, and as always with Drew and Sam they aren’t afraid to address the tough stuff. How will a change of government affect things? How does one afford to train for the theatre? How much do the arts contribute to society? And will Drew and Sam survive another penalty shoot-out?!
This episode bubbles along nicely, with the boys hitting the subjects around like a well played rally, so they vote you join them as they kick around for another episode - well until they are joined by a special guest next week!
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Vlad Gluschenko - Sunny Winter Day
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